Our purpose is to create a platform that encourages knowledge sharing, career development, and collaboration among African scientists. We strive to address underrepresentation, support educational pursuits, and empower researchers to navigate diverse career paths in STEM.


RAAS envisions a future where African scientists are connected, inspired, and equipped with the resources needed to excel in their research endeavors. Through mentorship, collaboration, and a robust support network, we aim to contribute to the growth and recognition of African talent in the global scientific community.


The Research Alliance of Africans in STEM aims to foster a vibrant community of African researchers by facilitating scientific collaboration, providing mentorship to young researchers, and promoting inclusivity in STEM conferences.


Nacere Mohamed Samassi


Abdoul Gadiry Diallo


Mahmoud Mohamed Samassi


Nacere, hailing from Côte d'Ivoire, West Africa, is pursuing her PhD at the University of Rochester, New York. Her journey to the United States was marked by challenges and unique experiences, particularly in adapting to graduate school as a minority in academia. These challenges ignited in her a passionate drive to establish a supportive community for African students navigating their graduate studies abroad.

Abdoul is from Guinea, West Africa, has a background in Game design and is actively pursuing his second master in cybersecurity. Stemming from his own experience as a graduate student from Africa and realizing that most graduate schools lack available resources for African students to succeed, he made it his goal to create a community that will provide those resources and support the students during their journey.

As a professional with a degree in Statistics and Economics from University of British Columbia, Mohamed brings a wealth of experience from his years of working in the banking industry . With a keen focus on financial strategy, relationship building, and fostering collaboration, he has successfully navigated the complexities of financial management both in the corporate and non-profit sectors. His passion lies in contributing to the educational journey of African students, and he is excited about the prospect of furthering this mission with RAAS.

Mohammad (Yasser) Abdelshafy grew up around Cairo, Egypt. He graduated with a degree in energy engineering from Helwan University, Cairo. He worked in petrochemicals before moving to the US for graduate studies. He got his master’s in mechanical engineering and is currently pursuing his PhD. He is passionate about educating college students about research and how it is done and encourage more Africans to take this route.

Mohammad Yasser Abdelshafy